Saturday, November 24, 2007

Dip-uh-dee and Joseph

We decided when we got up today to take a road trip to watch big sister Kelsey's boyfriend, Dip-uh-dee(Domonique) wrestle and while we were close we visited with Aiden's foster brother, Joseph. Aiden and Joseph spent the first 8 months of their lives together and it just happens that they only live 2 hrs from us so we try and see them every few months. Dip-uh-dee went undefeated this weekend...yeah Dip-uh-dee, we are soooo proud of you. One of the two matches we got to watch.
This was a two day tournament.
Mommy, I thought you said I got to see Joseph.
When is he going to be here?

Here I am Aiden, did you miss me?

Mommy and Joseph's mommy let us chase each
other around the table since we were the only ones
in this section of the restaurant. They had a good
ole time.
Not quite sure what Aiden was trying
to do to Joseph in this picture.


Our Family of 5 said...

How cool is it that you guys are close? Awesome!!

Greta Jo said...

Wow, that is great to have Aiden's foster brother close by. How awesome! I am sure they will always have a special bond.

Soltana said...

How sweet to be able to see his foster brother :)

Congrats to Dip-uh-dee!!!

I bet it was lots of fun!!!

JuJu - said...

I LOVE that Aiden and Joseph share this connection:)

What a blessing for both of thm:)
