Sunday, November 4, 2007

Guess whose almost potty trained?

ME. I have been telling mommy and daddy for quite some time when I have to use the potty so mommy bought me some big boy underwear to try out. The only time I have had any sort of accident is when I don't get my underwear down fast enough. I tell mommy and daddy when I have to go pee pee and poopie and we runnnnnn to the potty and I go. Mommy and daddy are so proud of me and say they can't wait until I am completely potty trained.

Mommy says I look like PeeWee Herman here.

These are my cookie monster undies.

Did I get these pulled up far enough or do I still need to practice this a little more?


Our Family of 5 said...

YAY Aiden! Too Cute!!

Greta Jo said...

I love it! Thats so awesome. What a big milestone...

Soltana said...

Great job!!! Can you give Cerah a talking to and tell her it's not sooo bad. She runs away when she needs to go!!!

Katie said...

WOW !!! Good Job Aiden !! I am shocked cause usually boys train late ~~~!!

Steve & Amy said...

Way to go Aiden!!! Love the crack picture:) (future plumber:)????)

Carrie, Rich and the Kids said...

That is so amazing! Yeah Aiden! Yeah Mommy and Daddy! Good job! I will need your hints and tricks of the trade!

Kristen and the Gang said...

WTG, Aiden!!! Please tell your mommy to pull your underpants up all the way next time!!!!