Tuesday, November 27, 2007

How can I get mad?

You know those days when if you hear your child be selfish one more time you will pull your hair out? Aiden's favorite word right now is "my" which is his version of mine. He will get mad at his sisters for touching one of his toys and look at them and scream "my"or he will get mad at the cat for laying on his blanket and scream "my". Well I was getting him dressed today and when I stood him up to pull up his pants he put his little arms around my neck and kissed me and said "my mommy". How can I get mad at that?


Chris and Lindsey Wheeler said...

That is the sweetest thing....of course you can't get mad at him!! He is so cute.


Greta Jo said...

hmm, how cute. That's right you are his Mommy. Aiden has the best smile.

Soltana said...

How sweet..Cerah says it alll the time too....

What silly kids :)

He is tooo cute..LOVE the smiling face

Our Family of 5 said...

Love that smile!!

Kristen and the Gang said...

I hear ya!!! Can't get mad when they are so damn cute!!

Emily said...

WOW- he is a cutie!! :-)
